Tuesday, November 8, 2011

On the Penn State presser

twenty minutes after Penn State cancelled its weekly football presser the furor seems to be all centered on Joe Paterno. There is no defending Paterno in this scandal. To use the word "scandal" doesn't even equate to what took place at Penn State, it is an atrocity. So much so that I don't even want to read about it because it makes me nauseous.

But this is NOT a football issue. Joe Paterno did not cancel his press conference. I assure you it was cancelled from the very top of the Penn State hierarchy. Paterno made his terrible decision to not act and will now be cut to shreds by the media. And rightfully so. But it shouldn't stop there. The questions must be asked and answers demanded from the top levels in Penn State. Do not make this solely a football issue. This is not just an ESPN story. What happened at Penn State does not have a score or a point spread and should be treated as a much larger issue and more important issue.

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