Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hey it's stage direction to a musical

Dark. We hear the sound of the wind as the outline of a house frame is revealed. The wind builds and begins to howl as the outline of the house begins to take shape. The house appears as a cross section. As if someone opened a dolls house up to look into the rooms. There is a living room, bedroom, and kitchen. Each clearly in need of some work. A stair unit runs between the kitchen and bedroom giving the effect that the bedroom is actually upstairs. Downstage a front lawn also in need of care is visible. A Realtor sign is placed in the yard. “Psychic Realty, We KNOW the house you want” A “SOLD” sign is on top. Stage left of the front yard is a wooden fence about five feet high leading to the neighbors house. Only a small portion of the side of the neighbors house is seen.


As the wind dies down in intensity we hear the faint sounds of a women singing underneath. Her voice is soon joined by a chorus of others all unseen. The voices build in abundance and volume as the lights come up on the front yard of the house on a crisp August morning. The two real estate agents from the sign LINDSAY and VICTORIA come hustling on followed by the homes new owner SARA.

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