Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Stop comparing Alex Smith to Trent Dilfer. It's not accurate. Not even close really.

Trent Dilfer's 2000 season with the Baltimore Ravens has become emblematic. If an NFL quarterback is doing *just* enough to win, he is Dilfer. If a quarterback is playing in the shadow of an elite NFL defense, he is Dilfer. We might as well change the phrase "game manager" to "Dilfering".

Alex Smith is not Dilfering.

Stats alone paint a fairly clear picture of the difference between the two.

DILFER: G(11) COMP%(59.3) YDS(1,502) TD(12) INT(11) RATE(76.6)HAIR(0)EYES(crossed)

SMITH: G(9) COMP%(64) YDS(1,709) TD(11) INT(3) RATE(95.8) HAIR(golden) EYES(piercing)

See any similarities there? Neither do I. Alex Smith is not an elite quarterback, regardless of what Harbaugh says. But he is certainly having a better, more reliable, year than Dilfer did. He is a better quarterback. A more reliable quarterback. And there is no chance he is getting replaced by Elvis Grbac next year.

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